Friday 12 February 2010

Work, work, work...

I know we're not really supposed to rant about customers but seriously...its not rocket science! Its a 'self-service' till. Not that difficult; I've seen 5 year olds use them effortlessly...seen senial old men who can barely lift the basket up onto the shelf thing...and yet some 'normal' folk can't manage it.



Ok, ranting over for now, should really be in bed but just not that sleepy, can't sleep when Cs not here.

D. just decided it would be fun to throw a fake vomitting session in, and now I'm awake again...

Oh, and I found out I shall be an aunt to a gorgeous wee niece arriving late June, early July....Yay!!

Right, going to sleep now...maybe...after flinging D. into her bed to sort herself out...crazy creature...


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